Who we are, what we do, and our love of timber

Specialising in all forms of timber frame design and beyond, OSOTIMBER aims to provide craftsmen, architects, builders, developers, self-builders and your average Joe DIY layman with the design tools and platform to make concepts not only a reality, but a joyful journey.


We treat every job as its own, whilst respecting and encouraging the creativity that we all inherently possess. We aim to marry great concepts with outstanding solutions when it comes to developing ideas, simplifying on site construction, and creating beautiful, robust timber frames. All this, whilst always considering your budget and aesthetic desires.

Our aim is to simplify the design process so that everything thereafter becomes… well, simpler!

At the heart of OSOTIMBER is the focus on providing unparalleled 1-1 dialogue, advice and support to our clients. We want working with OSOTIMBER to be a joy, not a chore.

Building strong relationships with our clients is of paramount importance to us, we feel it streamlines the design and construction process for both sides. Good communication is something we believe to be key to a successful project, and something we pride our success upon.

Meet the Team



    I enjoy analysing, evaluating and understanding how buildings and structures work. Not only in a physical or structural sense, but also their interaction and relationship with people and the environment. Previous to OSOTIMBER, I spent 5 years with a family run timber frame design consultancy, and it was here that I honed my passion and knowledge accumulated from nearly 2 decades working within a diverse, ever changing, and often challenging construction industry. A diverse background has provided me with a unique skillset that fully compliments my role as a timber frame designer. It allows me to communicate and work seamlessly in a technical manner, alongside architects and engineering professionals. All whilst equally understanding the importance in breaking down the layers of complexity and superfluous information for the end client. This is my chosen role, my chosen profession, within a chosen industry. I love what I do and want others to enjoy the journey too.



    I've always loved architecture, both historical and contemporary, marvelling at the designs, shapes and forms that buildings can take. I have often pondered why a particular structure will have an unusual feature, a certain design or small, intricate detail, and in turn, the principles behind this that allow us to create such constructs from mere thoughts. The more I dig deeper into timber frame designing, the more I realise that the best design is rooted in nature, through the materials used but also through the craft, grounded in natural processes. This truth is something that resonated strongly with me when first deciding to join OSOTIMBER, due to my devotion for the living environment and former career as a conservationist. The opportunity to incorporate these passions and learnings into a new field, felt like the chance of a lifetime for me to branch off onto a new limb, but derived from the same mother tree.



    Bringing big smiles and infectious energy to the business



    Thought about going vegetarian once - haven’t since..

How we can help get your timber frame build off the ground?

If you’re not quite ready to get in touch, why not have a read through our FAQ’s. It may help you refine some of your ideas, and if not, that’s where we come in!